
PUE Nature Trail Camera

Here are a few pictures of animals that have been seen on the nature trail game camera. So far, we have seen a ton of different animals!

Moving Making Magic!

5th-grade students are currently making info. videos on what to do out on the Nature Trail! They are making videos on the following: 1. What to do if you come in contact with posion ivy/oak. 2. What the 6 venomous snakes are in our area and what they look like.

Quest Game Designers!

Mrs. Moss's 5th grade Quest class is currently working on a game making unit. Students had the choice to either work with a partner to construct a unique board game, or to work independently to create an online game using a coding site. Students are required to incorporate strategy, setbacks/penalties, 3D and moving parts, as well as write thoughtful directions that would allow any player to easily understand the game play rules. Messes are being made...but I think more fun is being had! I cannot wait to see the final products next week!